Mike's PBX Cookbook

MGC Card Settings

Quick Links: Configuring a new card / used card / daughter board(s) / running mgcsetup

Media Gateway Controller cards

Each cabinet needs an MGC card (NTDW60 or NTDW98) in card slot 0, and each MGC card requires DSP daughter board(s) - which come in three flavors: 32, 96, and 128 port. With Rel. 7.5 and above, the Media Gateway Controller must also join the secure domain.

UPDATE: From release 7.x, any daughter board can be placed in any Position: 1 (High Density), or 2 (Low Density).

Refer to MGC DSP daughterboards for placement options.

NTDW60 MGC Card with two positions's
An NTDW62 (or 64) DSP Daughter board

The MGC card is programmed using a 3 port Octopus view.pngntbk48aa.png cable (NTBK48AA) with Null-Modem adapter in an Option 11 or MG1000 chassis, or via the MGU port view.pngmgutty.jpg in a MG1010 chassis. MGXPEC's use a special IPE Shelf view.pngmgxtty3.jpg TTY cable.

Login with the default admin2/0000, PDT2, or secure password.
IF you cannot login, it may be necessary to Load Gold Image.

The MGC card requires an IP address, and the DSP daughter boards each require an IP address, set in Element Manager.

The MGC IP data is programmed with a TTY cable, after it has registered, the DSPs can then be programmed in Element Manager.

After the card has an IP address, you can Telnet or SSH into it.

This is a "one time" configuration. An MGC is not portable without re-configuration.

NTDW60 MGC Card with two DSP board's

NOTE: Access to Element Manager is necessary to complete the TLAN and DSP (VGW) IP configuration. Element Manager stores the full MGC configuration in mgcdb.xml which is then transfered to the card (via SFTP) upon ELAN registration.

Warning: IP address conflicts can down systems, ALWAYS check with PING before deploying!

Configuring a New Card

Release 7.5: using mgcsetup - see below.

Attach a terminal to MGC port TTY 0 view.pngmgutty.jpg with a null adapter - 9600,N,8,1
If replacement is a new card without any IP set, it will boot into a menu where you can enter the IP address information:

ELAN IP              :       IP address for this card
ELAN subnet mask     :
ELAN gateway IP      :              GW from the MGC's perspective

Primary CS IP        :        for the mgcdb.xml config file

Change MGC advanced parameters? (y/[n]) : n

You have entered the following parameters for this MG 1000E:

ELAN IP              :
ELAN subnet mask     :
ELAN gateway IP      :
Primary CS IP        :
TLAN set to auto negotiate.
ELAN set to auto negotiate.
ELAN security Disabled

Is this correct? (y/n/[a]bort) : y
The above changes require reboot to take effect.

Do you want to reboot now? (y/n/[a]bort) : y

On registration, mgcdb.xml is transfered to the card (via SFTP) with the full configuration settings. If these values are different to those stored, the MGC will store the new values, and reboot to effect the changes. Therefore, a new card will boot twice.

Configuring a Used Card

If the card has been used, and has an IP set, you will need to reset it to default with mgcIPClear.

  1. Attach a terminal to MGC port TTY 0 view.pngmgutty.jpg with a null adapter - 9600,N,8,1
  2. Let the card boot up. When complete press [CTRL] LDB to enter the Local DeBug shell.
    Username: pdt2
    Password: 2tdp22ler
    ldb> mgcIPClear
    ldb> diskformat "all"
    ldb> reboot
  3. The MGC boots into mgcsetup: follow instructions for a new card (above).

If the (local login) password is not known, is can be reset by Reload Default Accounts
If you suspect a problem with an MGC card, Load Gold Image and restore it to a virgin factory state.

Configure MGC daughter board(s)

Use the LDB/OAM shell command: dbhwshow to display the model and revision numbers for installed DBs (without having to remove the MGC) or mgcinfoshow to display the IP address configuration, uptime, registration status, and superloop information, etc.

ldb> dbhwshow
DB1 model and revision no:       NTDW64AA

Use Element Manager to configure MGC daughter board(s), after the MGC has registered.

  1. In EM, navigate to: IP Network ➜ Media Gateways
  2. Click on the loop shelf underlined area in the IPMG column
  3. Select the installed DSP daughterboard from the drop down box
  4. Click VGW Channels to ADD (or delete) the appropriate VGW channels

Hard and software configuration MUST MATCH! Print VGW's in LD 20, STAT them in LD 32.

DB1 (high) - card slots: 11, 12, 13 & 14
DB2 (low)  - card slot(s): 0 (9 & 10)

If the MGC card is a replacement, EM will not need to be updated if the DB hardware matches.
Refer to MGC DSP daughterboards for more detailed daughterboard placement options.

Reboot MGC

To reset/reboot an MGC, press the front panel RST button; or Telnet the cards IP address, press [CTRL] LDB to enter the Local DeBug shell, login (admin2/0000) and enter the command: reboot.

ldb> reboot

The Telnet session will immediately drop, and the card reboots.

Taken from Nortel knowledge base:

CS 1000E 5.5: Unable to access Media Gateway Card (MGC) shells on new cards

Problem Description:

On brand new "out of the box" cards, following an upgrade to the current loadware on the Call Server (CS), the Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) and Local Debug Mode (LDB) shells are not accessible. After connecting to the card, getting the login and password prompt, then the banner scrolls - and that is it. Unable to get to the OAM prompt or LDB prompt. This issue is only seen on brand new cards.


Problem Resolution / Manual workaround:

  1. Telnet into the MGC which you will not be be to access properly.
  2. Go to the Local DeBug shell: [CTRL] LDB
  3. Enter: remove /p/cspversion.txt and hit RETURN
    To verify:
    ftp <MGC IP address>
    cd /p

    Ensure cspversion.txt is deleted, otherwise repeat step 3.
    (You cannot see anything echo on this hosted screen)
  4. Repeat step 1, you can login into this MGC normally. There is no need to reboot the MGC.

UPDATE - Release 7.5

Configure MGC card IP information:

Join the MGCs to the security domain:

An SEC0037 message is output stating security domain membership has been granted.

Once in the security domain, the MGC(s) will begin to upgrade their loadware (check in LD 143, UPGMG STAT). The DSPs will likely not go idle until all loadware is installed and a reboot takes place. From LD 117 issue the command: STAT UCM SECURITY or STAT U S for short to confirm registration status. Repeat the steps above for all MGs needed.


MCG configuration must be completed through the OAM command line using mgcsetup .
There are 3 ways to enter mgcsetup:

In mgcsetup, enter the MGC's:

There is normally no need to Change MGC advanced parameters?, so hit enter for [n]
The TLAN parameters are downloaded as an XML file from the Call Server upon registration.

Note: The Gateway Controller ships with gold software in onboard flash memory. This is upgraded automatically if centralized software upgrade is enabled on the Call Server. It can be upgraded manually through LD 143.

Configuring the Gateway Controller (mgcsetup)

Note: All entered values in this procedure are examples. Refer to your customer sheet for the correct values.

1. Enter network IP information at the mgcsetup menu.

Note: You must configure the TLAN with Element Manager on current MGC loadware. TLAN configuration information only appears if the loadware on the MGC card is older than the MGCBAD loadware.

Please define the data networking parameters for this MG 1000E now.

Hostname: 			MGC_N313     (optional)
ELAN subnet mask:
ELAN gateway IP:
Primary CS IP:
Enter port and security parameters. if required:

ELAN security = ISec, based on IPSec standard. Must be configured on every component expected to communicate across the ELAN, or not configured at all. There are 4 options:

Change MGC advanced parameters? (y/[n]) : y
TLAN is set to auto negotiate, change? (y/[n]) : y

Note: Turning off auto negotiate on the TLAN

    : will default it to 100Mbps full duplex.

Set TLAN to auto negotiate? ([y]/n) : y
ELAN is set to auto negotiate, change? (y/[n]) : y

Note: Turning off auto negotiate on the ELAN
    : will default it to 100Mbps full duplex.

Set ELAN to auto negotiate? ([y]/n) : y
ELAN security Disabled, change? (y/[n]) : n

Note: Spaces ~ * ` @ [ ] and # are not supported in passwords.

Please input PSK(16-32 chars): (input is not echoed)
Strength of PSK: Weak
Please reenter PSK(16-32 chars): (input is not echoed)

Set MGC to TDM only? (y/[n]) : n

Note: Turning on TDM only will not allow
    : the MGC to be connected to a network.

2. Review the network information and enter y to confirm.

You have entered the following parameters for this MG1000E:

Hostname 	     : MGC_N313
ELAN IP 	     :
ELAN subnet mask     :
ELAN gateway IP      :
TLAN IP 	     :
TLAN subnet mask     :
TLAN gateway IP      :
Primary CS Hostname  : CS 1000E_N313
Primary CS IP 	     :
Alternate CS 1 Hostname :
Alternate CS 1 IP 	:
Alternate CS 2 Hostname :
Alternate CS 2 IP 	:
TLAN set to auto negotiate.
ELAN set to auto negotiate.
ELAN security Enabled, level is Optimized Security

Is this correct? (y/n/[a]bort) : y

3. IP changes require a reboot. Enter y at the prompt.

Do you want to continue? (y/n/[a]bort) : y
reboot(-1) has been called...

After reboot, the MGC connects to the Server and downloads the remaining configuration information.

If centralized software upgrade has been enabled, the Gateway Controller will register and upgrade its software by downloading it from the Server. After the software has been upgraded, another reboot will be triggered.

After reboot, the MGC registers to the Server and the LED displays the superloop and shelf (eg: 4 0) of the Media Gateway.
If registration fails, the display shows UNRG, or an error code.

If the MGC card does not register, disable SFTP by issuing the following command in LD 117: DIS TRANSFERS SECURE