Mike's PBX Cookbook

Feature Key Limits

See also: M3900 Series Keys and 1120e Soft Keys.

Key Number Limits:

If a Display Module is equipped, key 7 on M2008/M2216/M2616 sets, or key 5 on M2006 sets, becomes a 'Program key' and cannot be used as a function key. Any printout of the TN block does not show key 7 because it is a local function key.

On the M2616, if CLS = HFA, key 15 defaults to the Handsfree key. No other feature assignment is accepted.

A station SCR, SCN, MCR, or MCN DN must be removed as a member from all Group Hunt lists before the DN can be modified.

Key Add-on Modules:

Note: The Key-Based Accessory (KBA) and Display-Based Accessory (DBA) are mutually exclusive.

AOM (2616)

KEM (i2004)

KEM (1100)

KBA (3900)

DBA (3900)

Adding a Key Module:

Determin if you have an AOM, KEM, KBA, or DBA, and easy CHG the TN to add it, eg:

REQ: chg                ← in LD 11
TYPE: <set_type>
TN   l s c u
ECHG yes
ITEM kem 1              ← adding the first KEM, 0 for none

The sets TNB will now show the additional KEY’s, which can be programed as normal.

Key Number Ranges:

IP Phone 1130: key numbers 0-15 and 27-28.

IP Phone 2002: key numbers 0-79, varying with value specified at the KEM prompt.

IP Phone 2004: key numbers 0-79, varying with the value specified at the KEM prompt.

1210/1220/1230 IP Deskphones: key number range is as follows:

1210 IP Deskphone: key numbers 0-31.

1220 IP Deskphone: key numbers 0-79, varying with the value specified at the KEM prompt.

1230 IP Deskphone: key numbers 0-79, varying with the value specified at the KEM prompt.

1210/1220/1230 IP Deskphones: configuration guidelines for keys are as follows:

1210 IP Deskphone: Key 0 is the only programmable feature key. It is configured with the primary DN.

1220 IP Deskphone: the number of programmable feature keys depends on the number of KEMs configured:

1230 IP Deskphone: the number of programmable feature keys depends on the number of KEMs configured: