Mike's PBX Cookbook

Extreme Networks 5520 - Configuration Notes


Notes on 'Extreme Networks 5520 series' network switches (aka: those purple switches)

Initial Setup:

  1. Console port requires: 115200 N-8-1
  2. Ensure VOSS OS is installed. If not, press spacebar during boot up to install it. If VOSS is not listed follow the directions below to upgrade to VOSS. (EXOS will not play well with other Avaya units).
  3. Default username: rwa / password: rwa - this must be changed on first login
  4. web-server enable enables web admin / https only by default / makes you set a password
  5. To configure the management port for web admin access:
    1. mgmt oob
    2. IP address x.x.x.x/x

Upgrade Firmware to VOSS:

  1. Copy the downloaded image file to a USB drive formatted with FAT-32 (Image files can be obtained from the Extreme Networks Support Portal)
  2. Login to switch with 'rwa' access
  3. Type enable
  4. Type ls /usr/local/ext/ to see the files on the USB drive
  5. Type download image /usr/local/ext/5520. (or whatever version you have)
  6. Follow on screen prompts


  1. unconfigure switch all reset’s switch to factory defaults from CLI
  2. User guide can be found here.
  3. Stacking is not an option on VOSS enabled switches (it is supported on the EXOS OS).