Mike's PBX Cookbook

PM5 Telephone Templates

Telephone templates are a convenient way of creating new telephones with similar features. The template can first be created and the features added, and new telephones can then be created based on that template. The new telephone will have the same features as the template. Once a telephone has been assigned a template, the telephone features can be further modified if required. Templates can also be created from existing telephones. A template can be modified at any time without affecting any telephones which were previously created from that template.

Create A Telephone Template:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Templates from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the New button.
  4. Select the Type of Telephone you want to create the Template for or choose the Import
  5. Telephone button to create a template from an existing telephone.
  6. Choose the OK button to return to the Telephone Templates screen.
  7. Add a name to the Telephone Template, a Department can also be added but this is optional.
  8. Add the required Key Features and Telephone Features to the template.
  9. Choose the Save button to save the Telephone Template.

Create A New Telephone From A Template:

  1. Choose Telephones from Main Menu.
  2. Choose New from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the Template button.
  4. Select the Type of telephone and the Template from the New Telephone Type dialog box.
  5. Choose the OK button to return to the main screen. All the features associated with the template are applied to the new telephone.
  6. Select a spare Terminal Number from the Spare Terminal No’s list. If there are no spare terminal numbers in the list, you may enter the first terminal number on a new line card by entering the loop, shelf, card, unit in the appropriate boxes. Once the first unit has been saved, the remaining units on the card will appear in the Spare Terminal Nos. list.
  7. Add a First Name, Last Name and Department to the telephone if required. These may be used later for searching the database to find a telephone. The Department may be typed in or selected from the dropdown list.
  8. Choose the Save button to upload the new telephone to the telephone system. The Save Timing dialog box will appear. You may upload the new telephone immediately by choosing the Save Now option, or at a scheduled time by choosing the Schedule Save option and selecting the appropriate schedule from the list.

Create A Telephone Template From An Existing Telephone:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Templates from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the New button.
  4. Choose the Import Telephone button from the New Template dialog box.
  5. Use the Find Telephone screen to locate the telephone you want to import.
  6. Select the Telephone you want to import in the telephone list.
  7. Choose the OK button to return to the New Template dialog box.
  8. Choose the OK button to return to the Telephone Templates screen.
  9. Add a name to the Telephone Template, a Department can also be added but this is optional.
  10. Choose the Save button to save the Telephone Template.

Modify An Existing Telephone Template:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Templates from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Select the telephone type of the template you want to modify.
  4. Select the Telephone Template you want to modify from the Template List.
  5. Modify the features associated with the template.
  6. Choose the Save button to save the changes made to the template.

Delete An Existing Telephone Template:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Templates from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Select the telephone type of the template you want to delete.
  4. Select the Telephone Template you want to delete from the Template List.
  5. Choose the Delete button and a Confirm Delete dialog box will appear.
  6. Choose the Yes button.

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Source: Phoneware Training Documentation.