Mike's PBX Cookbook

PM5 Editing Telephones

Create/Delete telephones

Add A New Telephone:

  1. Choose Telephones from Main Menu.
  2. Choose New from Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the Type or Template button to select the type of telephone you wish to add.
  4. Select a spare Terminal Number from the Spare Terminal Nos. list. If there are no spare terminal numbers in the list, you may enter the first terminal number on a new line card by entering the loop, shelf, card and unit in the appropriate boxes. Once the first unit has been saved, the remaining units on the card will appear in the Spare Terminal Nos. list.
  5. Add a First Name, Last Name and Department to the telephone if required. These may be used later for searching the database to find a telephone. The Department may be typed in or selected from the dropdown list.
  6. Add features to the telephone as required.
  7. Choose the Save button to upload the new telephone to the telephone system. The Save Timing dialog box will appear. You may upload the new telephone immediately by choosing the Save Now option, or at a scheduled time by choosing the Schedule Save option and selecting the appropriate schedule from the list.

Delete A Telephone:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose View/Modify from the Telephones menu.
  3. Choose the Find button. Use the Find Telephone screen to locate the telephone you want to delete.
  4. Choose the OK button to transfer the telephones from the find telephone screen to the view modify screen.
  5. Select the telephone you want to delete in the Telephones list. Choose the Expand button to view more details about the telephones in the list.
  6. Choose the Delete button. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  7. Choose the Yes button to continue.


Add/Modify Telephone Features And Keys

Applies to: New, View/Modify, and Group Modify windows Key Features

Add a feature to a telephone key:

  1. Drag the required feature from the Key Features section and drop it onto a key.

Remove a feature from a telephone key:

  1. Drag the Clear Key feature from the Key Features section and drop it onto a key to remove a feature.
  2. Drag an unused telephone key and drop it onto a key to remove a feature.

Move a feature to another telephone key:

  1. Drag the key with the feature and drop it onto another key.

Copy a feature to another key:

  1. Press the Control key
  2. Keeping the Control key pressed drag the key with the feature and drop it onto another key.

Add telephone features to a telephone:

  1. Select the feature you want to add in the General Features or Advanced Telephone features section. If the telephone feature box is checked the feature is enabled.

Remove a feature from a telephone:

  1. Click the mouse on the telephone feature so that the telephone feature box is no longer checked.
    Note: As you add/modify features on a telephone Group click the right mouse button on the feature. The feature will then appear underlined. Only underlined features will be uploaded to the telephone system.

Add/Modify A Directory Number To A Telephone

Applies to: New, View/Modify, and Group Modify windows

Digital Telephones:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose any of the above screens from the Telephones menu.
  3. Choose one of the following features from the key features list, and drop it on the key you want to create the directory number on:

    Single Call Non-Ringing: Allows only one conversation on that directory number at any time even though it may appear on other telephones. A SCN key will not ring on incoming calls, but the LCD indicator beside the key will flash.

    Single Call Ringing: Allows only one conversation on that directory number at any time even though it may appear on other telephones

    Multiple Call Non-Ringing: Allows as many separate simultaneous conversations on that directory number as there are appearances of that directory number. A MCN key will not ring on incoming calls, but the LCD indicator beside the key will flash.

    Multiple Call Ringing: Allows as many separate simultaneous conversations on that directory number as there are appearances of that directory number.

  4. Enter the directory number to be associated with this key in the Directory Number box. You can search for Spare Directory Numbers by choosing the Spare DN’s button.

Analogue Telephones:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose any of the above screens from the Telephones menu.
  3. Enter the directory number to be associated with the telephone in the Directory Number box. You can search for Spare Directory Numbers by choosing the Spare DN’s button.

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Source: Phoneware Training Documentation.