Mike's PBX Cookbook

Norstar Debug Mode

How to dig into the Norstars secret DEBUG mode...

Feature**DEBUG (* * 3 3 2 8 4)

The debug password is ( (43 * day) - month ) + ( (day + month + year) * 100 )

Reverse the digit order & add "0" or "00" at the end to complete the code (six digit long).

e.g. for Date 14th April 1992:
( (43 * 14) - 4 = 598 ) + ( (14 + 4 + 92) * 100 = 11000 ) = 11598

- turn it around: 89511, and add a "0" to arrive at: 895110

eg: For 28th April 2003:

It's (1200) + (3500) = (4700) Code: 007400

You are now in DEBUG mode!