Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH2000 - 2099

SCH2000 An attempt was made to assign a mini CDR tape unit to a customer for which the tape was not assigned in configuration data.
Action: Assign the tape in LD 17 and return to LD 15 to assign the tape to a customer.
SCH2001 Private route not allowed.
SCH2002 No CDP list exists for this CDP steering code.
SCH2003 ESN data block does not exist for this CDP steering code.
SCH2004 No customer data block exists for this CDP steering code.
SCH2005 Invalid CDP steering code.
SCH2006 Wrong number of input fields for prompt NCOS.
SCH2007 NCOS number out-of-range (0-15 for NARS, 0-3 for BARS/CDP, 0-7 for NFCR).  
SCH2008 NCOS package must be equipped if ESN is entered.
SCH2009 NARS package must be equipped if ETN is entered.
SCH2010 Signaling type inconsistent with card density.
SCH2011 New unit number is too high for the new card.
SCH2012 Off-premise extension for single density card only.
SCH2013 Attempt to increase card density while OPX units are equipped.
SCH2014 Existing card density too high for move/swap.
SCH2015 Attempt to move/swap loops while upper shelves exist in the loop with lower density.
SCH2016 The DNIS Route must be defined as auto-terminating or IDC.
SCH2017 This value represents a change for the CDR with Outpulsed Digits (OPD). The change does not take effect until after the next initialization.
SCH2019 Frame formats must be the same when moving or swapping DTI loops.
SCH2020 Moving a trunk between different loops is not permitted.
SCH2021 DTI package not equipped.
SCH2022 Cannot delete a non-DTI loop or add a DTI loop which is not undefined, or make changes to a non-DTI loop.
SCH2023 Odd loop numbers for DTI card slot not allowed.
SCH2024 Digital trunk loop must be a DTI2, JDMI, or PRI2 loop.
SCH2025 Primary reference loop number and secondary reference loop number cannot be the same.
SCH2026 Illegal input for trunk type.
SCH2027 NCOS package and/or DTI package is restricted.
SCH2028 Digital TIE auto must be VCE or DTA only.
SCH2029 TN to channel conversion failure.
SCH2030 Digital data block does not exist.
SCH2031 Digital data block already exists.
SCH2032 Configuration loop number must be a DTI card slot.
SCH2033 A DTI loop can only be moved to another DTI loop.
SCH2034 A digital route is required.
SCH2035 {CR} is allowed only if a DTI card does not exist on the network shelf.  
SCH2036 Framing format has been changed from D2 to D3 or vice versa.
Action: For X11 Release 16, framing format cannot be changed while trunks exist on the loop. Trunks associated with that loop must first be removed from the configuration before changing the framing format.
SCH2037 Channel out-of-range (1-24).
SCH2038 Channel to TN conversion failure.
SCH2039 Last shelf on the slot is not permitted for DTI.
SCH2040 Cannot remove a digital data block while DTI loops still exist.
SCH2041 Framing format data corruption has occurred.
SCH2042 Protected terminal digital loop block pointer has been corrupted.
SCH2043 LFTN must be TN with the same customer number.
SCH2044 LUC not permitted for DTI loops.
SCH2045 Wrong number of input fields.
SCH2046 Departmental LDN out-of-range.
SCH2047 Invalid input. Attendant number is either out-of-range or an invalid input was encountered.
SCH2048 Unable to match input with stored mnemonics.
SCH2049 Cannot add existing attendant or delete non-existing attendant.
SCH2050 Outing an existing DND group is not allowed unless the GND key is deactivated on the attendant console.
SCH2051 Unable to match input field with stored mnemonics for prompt CNVT.
SCH2052 ESN digit manipulation index out-of-range (0-255).
SCH2053 ESN digit manipulation table does not exist.
SCH2054 ESN data block does not exist.
SCH2055 Wrong number of input fields for prompt ATDN.
SCH2056 Only FDN is allowed for 500 telephone.
SCH2057 WTA not allowed for CLS DTA.
SCH2058 Null input not allowed for prompt NEW.
SCH2059 Wrong number of input fields for prompt MTN.
SCH2060 Release 8 L MSI configured in SCC FN. Prompt incoming default not allowed.  
SCH2061 Too many ranges defined for this location code (20 ranges maximum).
SCH2062 Overlapping or duplication of ranges.
SCH2063 XRA or XFA not allowed when CLS = MNL.
SCH2064 The desired key is already defined.
Action: Only one CSD is allowed for each set.
SCH2065 PBX ring option conflicts with group option.
SCH2066 Wrong key number to TAD.
SCH2067 The Call Park option must be allowed (CPA) in CDB.
SCH2070 Cannot OUT customer when ESN, NCTL or AUTH blocks still exist.
SCH2071 Cannot OUT customer when ACD still exist.
SCH2072 Cannot OUT customer when DISA blocks still exist.
SCH2073 Cannot OUT customer when Call Park blocks still exist.
SCH2074 Input AOS for CLS = ignored when command is NEW.
SCH2075 EFD allowed only with CFTA COS.
SCH2076 EHT allowed only with CFTA COS.
SCH2077 Unable to match input with mnemonics.
SCH2078 CFCT not allowed.
SCH2079 BGD user type cannot coexist with ACD, APL, CDL, CMC, CMS, HSL, LSL.
SCH2080 BGD customer number must be specified for BGD or PMS Link device.
SCH2081 BGD/PMSI package not equipped.
SCH2082 PMS user type can coexist with BGD only.
SCH2083 SFA must have FNA and MWD specified.
SCH2084 SFA not defined.
SCH2085 CPND cannot exist with DTA on.
SCH2086 SFA not defined.
SCH2087 SFA not allowed.
SCH2088 ACD-DNIS package is restricted.
SCH2089 APL number expected when LINK = YES.
SCH2090 Customer option cannot be changed to DNX with DNIS routes defined.
SCH2091 Digit insertion not allowed for this DNIS route.
SCH2092 DNIS routes cannot be configured with CHG request.
SCH2093 Not a valid APL. Define in the Configuration Record.
SCH2094 APL package not equipped.
SCH2095 NO not allowed for AUTO with DNIS route defined.
SCH2097 DN must be ACD DN when trunk is a DNIS route.
SCH2098 TDET package is restricted.
SCH2099 Multi Party Operation (MPO) Blind Transfer Allowed (MBXA) must have Call Transfer Allowed (XFA) or Three Party Service Allowed (TSA) Class of Service defined. Six Party Conference (C6A) must have Call Transfer Allowed (XFA) Class of Service defined. Permanent Hold (PHD) feature must have Call Transfer Allowed (XFA) Class of Service defined.