Mike's PBX Cookbook

ITG HEX display Codes

The NTDW65 MC32S Media Card provides 32 IP-TDM gateway ports (DSP's). It replaces the previous ITG (Integrated IP Telephony Gateway Trunk) cards and runs on CS 1000 Release 5.0 software. The four-character LED faceplate display indicates card status or a fault condition.

Replace the Media Card when (after a reboot) a fault is displayed in the form F:XX on the faceplate display as this indicates an unrecoverable hardware failure. Note, if the Media Card displays F:08, this can just mean that the Security Device is missing.

Maintenance Codes

If a test fails, the T:XX code will change to F:XX for three seconds, where XX indicates the test number. For example, if the 8051 co-processor test fails, T:05 → F:05 is displayed.

T:01Testing internal RAM
T:02Testing ALU
T:03Testing address modes
T:04Testing watchdog
T:05Testing 8051 co-processor
T:06Testing timers
T:07Testing external RAM
T:08Testing dongle (F:08 may mean the security device is missing or bad)
T:09Programming timeswitch FPGA
T:10Programming ISPDI FPGA
T:11Testing host dual port RAM
T:12Testing DS-30 dual port RAM
T:13Testing SEEPROM
T:14Booting Host processor, waiting for response with selftest information
T:20Waiting for application start-up message from Host processor
T:21CardLAN enabled, waiting for request configuration message
T:22CardLAN operational, A07 enabled, display now under host control

If the internal RAM test, ALU test, address mode test, boot ROM test, timer test, or external RAM test fails, the pack goes into a maintenance loop as no further processing is possible.

Error Codes

If the IXP encounters any failures during its initialization, an H:XX error code displays. The list of error codes is as follows:

H:00Host Processor not booting
H:01SDRAM test failure
H:02SRAM test failure
H:04PCMCIA device failure
H:08Network interface failure
H:10Meridian 1 interface failure
H:20DSP interface failure
H:40NVRAM/EEPROM interface failure
H:80PCM connector failure

Status Codes

If the hardware selftests pass and the application starts up successfully, the screen cycles through the following display codes to indicate the function and status of the card.

ITGTApplication family
M.xxMinor release
LDR BLDR FLRPack role: leader/backup-leader/follower
IXXXError messages