Mike's PBX Cookbook

System Speed Call

System Speed Call (SSC) allows users to place calls by dialing a one, two, or three digit code. You can use System Speed Call for both internal and external calls. In addition, System Speed Call also temporaily overides the telephones Class of Service and Trunk Group Access Restrictions (TGARs).

Feature implementation

Log into the Meridian. i.e. <CR> <CR> LOGI<CR> (Password)<CR>

LD 17 - set maximum number of Speed Call lists.

TYPEPARMSystem Parameters Block
- MCSL1-8191Maximum number of Speed Call lists
Note: MSCL can be 0-8190.
Do NOT make this a huge number since it affects system memory.
If its already set at a number such as 255 you may not even need to change it.

LD 18 - Determine if there are enough memory and disk records for new Speed Call lists

REQCOMPCompute disk and memory
TYPESCLSpeed Call lists
NOLS1-8191Number of lists to be added
DNSZ4-(16)-31Maximum length of DN allowed for Speed Call list
SIZE1-1000Maximum number of entries in Speed Call list
Note: Compare the output with MEM AVAIL and DISK AVAIL values output before the REQ prompt.

LD 18 - Add a new Speed Call lists

REQNEW/CHG/OUTAdd, change, or remove a Speed Call list
TYPESCLSpeed Call data block
LSNO0-8190Speed Call list number
DNSZ4-(16)-31Maximum number of digits in a list entry
SIZE1-1000Maximum number of entries in the Speed Call list
WRT(YES)NOData is correct and the list may be updated
STORxxx yy...yyxxx = list entry number (0-9, 00-99, 000-999)
yy = digits to be stored against enrty (must be equal to or less than DNSZ)
WRT(YES)NOData is correct and the list may be updated
Note: The prompt WRT follows prompts SIZE and STOR, asking you to confirm the data. If data is correct, enter YES or <CR>. A response NO causes entry to be ignored.

The following information is output with the WRT prompt, following SIZE:

ADDS: MEM: xxxxx DISK: yy.y

where xxxxx is the amount of protected memory and yy.y is the number of disk records required for the new Speed Call list. Check the MEM AVAIL and DISK REC AVAIL values output before the REQ prompt.

LD 10 - Assign a Speed Call list to an Analog (500/2500 type) telephone

TYPE500Telephone type
TNl s c uterminal number
SCC yyyy
Speed Call list User, list number (0-8190)
Speed Call list Controller, list number (0-8190)

LD 11 - Assign a Speed Call list to a Meridian 1 proprietary telephone

TYPEaaaaTelephone type, where:
aaaa = SL1, 2006, 2008, 2016, 2616, etc.
TNl s c uterminal number
KEYxx SCU yyyy
xx SCC yyyy
Speed Call list User
Speed Call list Controller, where:
xx = key number, and
yyyy = list number (0-8190)

LD 12 - Assign a Speed Call list to an Attendant Console

TYPEATT 1250 2250Console type
TNl s c uterminal number
KEYxx SCC yyyySpeed Call list Controller, where:
xx = key number, and
yyyy = list number (0-8190)

Dialing SSC Numbers:

500 set:

  1. Lift the handset and dial SPRE code "1" and then 73.
  2. Dial the speed call code (0-999) and the number will be automatically dialed.

2000 set:

  1. Press the System Speed Call key.
  2. Dial the speed call code (0-999) and the number will be automatically dialed.