Mike's PBX Cookbook

PRI/BRI Trunk Port Pinout

A straight RJ45 cable is used to connect from IP Office BRI/PRI trunk ports to the line providers network termination equipment. If that equipment does not use RJ45 sockets, the cable may need to be stripped and rewired or an alternate cable used. The appropriate signal pin-outs and wire colours are detailed below.

IP Office
Pin #
Signal Signal
1 wh/or - left RX-A
2 or/wh - left RX-B
3 wh/gr right TX-A -
4 bl/wh left RX-A right TX-A
5 wh/bl left RX-B right TX-B
6 gr/wh right TX-B -
7 wh/br - -
8 br/wh - -
Network Termination
Pin #
1 wh/or White/Orange
2 or/wh Orange/White
3 wh/gr White/Green
4 blwh Blue/White
5 wh/bl White/Blue
6 gr/wh Green/White
7 wh/br White/Brown
8 br/wh Brown/White

PRI/BRI Daughter Card LED status

PRI Trunk = No trunk present
= Trunk present
= Trunk in use
Red/Green Fast Flash (port 9) or Green Fast Flash (port 10) = Alarm indication signal from remote end
Red/Green Blink (port 9) or Green Blink (port 10) = Port in loopback mode (set through System Monitor)
BRI Trunk = No trunk present
= Trunk present
= Trunk in use