Mike's PBX Cookbook

Modify TEO Set XML File

How to modify a TEO SIP phones XML configuration file, which must match the CUCM Setup.

  1. Log into the Windows TFTP SERVER, and browse to C:/TFTP-Root-TEO

    You will see a number of XML files:

    • Custom Configuration files: one for each TEO telephone MAC address, plus a
    • A single TCS file for Global Configuration settings (eg: Time settings, loaded first)

  2. Locate the XML file named with MAC Address of the TEO Phone you want to change / modify.
    - it's a good idea to first make a backup copy of this file in case you need to roll back:

    • Click FILE ➤ Save a Copy As...
    • File name = eg: MAC_ADDRESS.OLD.DATE

  3. Right click on the original MAC_ADDRESS.XML file, and select Edit with Notepad++
    - this will open the XML file for that TEO Phones Mac Address to make modifications.

  4. Using the XML File for the MAC Address as a MODEL, place the changes onto the XML Configuration of the MAC Address needing the Speed Dial Changes and save that copy

  5. Using the Model MAC XML File, check that the two Match with the additional configs to the tee. no spaces no differences on the additions only!

  6. Now that you have the changes on the MAC Address XML File saved and ready to be deployed to the TEO Phone, go to the TEO phone and force a Installation Restart. This will make the TEP phone reach out and download the New XML Config File, and apply the changes. When successful, the phone should have the changes you made.

Only a Install Restart will force the TEP phone to pull new changes to the XML file. Unplugging the cord and re-plugging the cord WILL NOT !

If the changes do not take, or the Call Manager shows a PARTIAL Registration, there's probably a syntax error in the XML File!
Go back and inspect line by line that they match the file you used to copy the additions from (from the backup copy).

Note: All configuration files must use the same naming scheme, and all capital letters must be used for the name of the MAC_ADDDRESS.xml file. Eg, 00048D0000F5.xml or 4255663001.xml.

Resetting a TEO phone:

NOTE: It's often necessary to reset a phone when adding it to the system for the first time.

With the TEO phone powered perform the following: